Assignment to Regrade

Peer Interview of Samia Tariq

     Our meeting was established on the coincidence of our dark choice in clothing. We were similar yet distinct in style; I strut a more sporty attire, while hers was slightly dressy. I was wearing a fitted black v neck with black sweats, while she wore a black bodysuit, black pants and a matching belt. I was a little nervous because I wasn’t convinced that the similarity in our choice of clothing,would make us a good match; but nonetheless I proceeded to our peer interview.

       Samia Tariq, sitting before me, became my peer interviewee as well as my interviewer. The origin of her name which means good listener has an interesting history. Although her name was decided as Samia at birth, there is still a debate amongst her family members as to how to pronounce it. The majority of her family members prefer Sami-a while she prefers Samia.

     Samia was born in Brooklyn but left to Pakistan in the third grade. She then returned six years later for her freshman year of high school at, Franklin D. Roosevelt. During this frequent change of environments, in her childhood, Samia experienced a huge culture shock. She felt the immense difference in customs and language that was no easy task to adopt to. However she still persevered which I find extremely admirable. Unlike myself I’ve lived in the same building and neighborhood my whole life. I’ve never had to leave my friends behind and start a new life somewhere else.

        When it comes to Samia’s choice in writing I find it slightly contradictory. She claims that she prefers not to write creatively because people are judgemental and she doesn’t want her personal beliefs out in the open, to be criticized. However, she would like to write in an article format where her writing style can connect to readers directly. In a way she wants to voice her opinions and makes the conversation between the author and reader personal. Therefore I feel that she craves a connection but does not wish to be stung by that very act of openness.

    Samia likes all foods and has no favorites. She listens to all music, except country. She likes to chill at home and watch movies with her friends. Samia does not play any sports but likes to watch cricket. However she does not watch cricket because she gets really riled up when her favorite team loses. Samia says she would like to go skydiving at least once in her life to overcome her fear of heights. I also have a fear of heights but I would not like to die trying to overcome it; I think Samia is very brave for this.  Samia said that If she won the lotto, she would drop out of school because she doesn’t like college much. However, even with all that money she’s not much of a shopper because of the crowds of people. If there was one problem she could end in the world, she says it would be world hunger. Based on her hobbies, aspirations, and choices of pass time, Samia’s day to day life is simple and calming but she strives for greater adventure.

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